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Selectmen's Minutes August 26, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 26, 2003

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7pm.

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

SUBJECT: Department Heads
Present: Police Chief Clarke, RA-David Kenneally, Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio and Building Inspector Dave Paveglio

PD –Chief Clarke introduced new part time police officer, Jeff Miller to the Board and fellow department heads. The heater at the police station needs to be serviced.  Pat will make the arrangements.  Discussion was held on going back to putting officers “on-call” after midnight instead of relying on help from the State Police.  Pat will work up a proposal for the Board.

Hyw – Hutchinson Road is going well.  The Board received a letter of interest for snow plowing and forwarded to Mr. Kenneally.  The lines on Horse Corner Road have been painted.

FD – The department is reinstating the student program.  There are two students who will begin in September.  They have a couple of prospective members from the Old Home Day Recruitment.  The department is waiting for acceptance of a grant to purchase a final piece of equipment for the newly purchased used rescue vehicle.  Deputy Paveglio thanked the Selectmen for getting the dead tree at the firehouse removed.  Mention of the pine trees out back still needing to be removed was brought up.  The lack of sun creates an ice problem in the winter.  Mr. Kenneally said he would take a look at the situation.   

Bldg. Inspector – Dave would like to attend a three day seminar on the new ICC Code.  This is what BOCA has been merged into and Dave is now following.  The Board gave their approval.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to approve this request.  All were in favor.  Mr. Paveglio has received a complaint regarding placement of a fence on Bear Hill Road.  He advised the homeowner to put the complaint in writing to the Selectmen.

The Selectmen informed the department heads about the upcoming deadline for budget submittals.  They also discussed a change to the formatting.  The Selectmen have requested the departments track their own maintenance lines for their own building costs  such as heat, electric and general maintenance.  The budgets are more broken down within the new accounting software.  The Board asked that should the departments need help they can make arrangements with Lisa to set aside a mutually agreed upon time to work on  rearrangement of line items.
SUBJECT: Junkyard Complaint
Present: Mr. & Mr. Dean Wolf
HIGHLIGHTS:   Mr. Wolf came before the Board to reiterate his original complaint of November 2002 regarding the junkyard (located at 59 King Road) which abuts his property on 24 Harvest Road.  Mr. Wolf was unhappy with the lack of response from the Selectmen.  The Board informed Mr. Wolf that the State had responded to his complaint and that to the best of the Board’s knowledge, Mr. Robinson has taken care of what he was obligated to. Lisa will forward a copy of the NHDES letter to Mr. Wolf.    Mr. Wolf gave the Selectmen a new letter of complaint requesting information on the licensing of this junkyard be made available to him under RSA 91-A, Right to Know Law.  Lisa will research the file and forward any information to Mr. Wolf and ask the Planning Board secretary to do the same.

Mr. Wolf also gave the Board a letter of complaint about timber harvesting that has been done on the adjacent piece of property and as yet has not been completely taken care of.   
The Board will review Mr. Wolf’s complaint and respond to him accordingly.  


The minutes of August 19, 2003 were approved as written.

The Board reviewed mail and gave instruction to Lisa for any follow up necessary.  

Selectman DeBold presented his draft letter regarding the Hess Signage Violation.  The other board members reviewed and approved  it and asked that Mr. Hall receive a copy as well.  

Selectman Arey passed out the draft of the revised Employee Policies to the other selectmen for review.  The Board will look over them at their leisure this week and asked Lisa to put this item on the agenda for discussion next week.   

The water tests results were reviewed.  The next step is to have the well located at Carpenter Park tested.  This well was damaged by lightening recently.  Selectman DeBold will contact Tasker Well Company to get it fixed and then proceed with testing at this site.  The Board will wait for those test results before proceeding further with this issue.  

Chairman Colbert asked the Board to reopen discussion on decisions made in regards to the Cheney property on Granny Howe Road and the Hubbard property on Horse Corner Road.  Previously the Board decided these homeowners would be subject to an impact fee and the growth ordinance requirement of only twelve building permits per year in the town for new homes.  

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After further discussion and a more in depth review of the Zoning Regulations, the Board voted to reverse their original decision. Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to reverse the Selectmen’s previous decision and allow the Cheney’s & Hubbard’s to proceed with their building projects and not be subject to the twelve permit limit a year or an impact fee.  All were in favor.  Chairman Colbert will inform the building inspector that he may issue both property owners a building permit and they are not subject to impact fees.  The original residences will no longer be permitted as residential dwellings.  Chairman Colbert will notify the homeowners personally of this decision.  

The Board discussed Mr. Wolf’s letter on the timber harvesting.  The Selectmen have no authority in the Zoning Regulations for enforcement on this issue.  This is handled through the State Forestry Division.  The Board asked Lisa to respond to Mr. Wolf  in writing.  

The Board discussed the need to re-secure the Flanders property.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold for Chairman Colbert to solicit help in securing the premises, including gating the driveway and posting no trespassing signs.  All were in favor.

Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 pm.  All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

                                                                Approved As Corrected
____________________________________                    9/2/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

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